Peanut, commonly known as "peanut" for legume peanut seeds, the food is all ages, is the wedding, Spring Festival and other festivals for leisure food. Peanut is often known as the "peanut", the Vanderbilt University study published in the "ScienceDaily", the results show that regular consumption of peanuts, the total population mortality can be reduced by 17%~21%, cardiovascular disease can be reduced by 23%~38%. Peanuts contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, polyphenols antioxidants, these nutrients such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects can improve cardiovascular function, therefore, often eating peanuts on cardiovascular health.
Peanut cooking period, now basically all year can eat peanuts or its products, the annual new peanut production, in addition to a small amount of fresh food, more than 90% to experience short-term storage, transport or long-term storage, processing or consumption to enter. The peanuts are rich in oil (fat content of about 50% on average), protein (protein and carbohydrate, the average 25%~30%) if stored properly, prone to mildew, discoloration, oil, etc. go ha deterioration, not only caused the loss of nutrition, serious may produce toxic or harmful substances (such as aflatoxin), a threat to human health.
In daily life, how should we store peanuts, can reduce the loss of nutrients, and ensure food safety?
One is selected, dry full of peanut. Whether it is before storage, peanut or groundnut should be fully dry, to ensure the secure water content of peanut, peanut fruit water content generally below 10%, peanut content below 9%, excluding fruit, fruit and other impurities mildew.
Two, select the appropriate storage location. Choose clean and dry, with ventilation cooling measures and the ability of insects and rodents Warehouse Or smooth, no water, sealed, and reasonable bedding pad stack high stacking storage of peanut. If there is no special storage warehouse, we should try to use air bags, bags and high isolation between the ground and the wall also maintain a certain interval.
Three, the storage method of drying, low temperature, closed. We choose the suitable airtight container storage of small samples, or a large number of samples of thermal storage storage, keep temperature below 15 DEG C, sealed to prevent pest infection and timely effects of environmental temperature and relative humidity, in different places and varieties and water samples respectively in order to ensure the best storage, not to be confused in the subsequent use of.
From the consumption of agricultural products "face to face" Health Sciences